ADD social networking SEXY BUTTONS on ur blog !
u can see mine ! below this n every post !
booost ur blog or site traffic !
get more page visits !
it helps in spreading ur articles n makin ur blog articles famous !
get it for ur blog or website
blogger , wordpress n other php type hosting services !
download codes here
just few kilobytes
Thursday, April 30, 2009
ADD social networking SEXY BUTTONS on ur blog !
Thursday, April 30, 2009
yahoo publisher in india ?????
Thursday, April 30, 2009
i have heard a lot of yahoo publishing network coming to india !
cool !
the only network thats strong n cool in india os just adsense of GOOGLE thats the only highest payinf network for small , medium n nig publishers with website or blog too
earlier TYROO was launched in india ,which comprised of 50% of yahoo , but that was not at all famous ! enven rates were terribly low ,no least !!
it was better there was no tyroo ads !! atleast ppl will visit that blog again !! :)
ok ! even tyroo had many problems , sometimes no ads or blank space would show up !
it would be better 100% yahoo would come up !! whichz now onlu in UK n US !!
good tat ter will be again fight with GOOGLE N YAHOO !!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Google Talk Welcome to Google Talk Labs Edition
Friday, April 24, 2009
check here for image
Top Known Issues
Google Talk, Labs Edition is an experimental release and has a few known bugs or missing features. Here's a list of issues:
- Avatar pictures can not be uploaded
- Voice calls and file transfers can not be performed
- Duplicate chats show up while chatting from within Gmail while Google Talk, Labs Edition is running
- Google Talk, Labs Edition does not support some authenticated proxies
- YouTube or Google Videos do not provide the ability to seek outside the currently buffered content
- Copy/paste not fully functioning in chat windows. This is a limitation of having a Flash-based user interface.
GTLAK on ORKUT almost spoof like but kewl too
Friday, April 24, 2009
25th april ORKUT has launched gtalk widget lookalike on orkut !
ITS like gtalk is exactly ame on orkut , this is good for those wjo doesnt have gtalk software loaded !!
but it do spoils fun !
earlier orkut has launched chat on orkut enabling gtalk users who r not on orkut to chat ! ,earlier orkut chat was facebook type ! that used to be opened @ bottom !
its a lil advanced ! but let us hope ,more will be comming
maybe it happened due to loosing of popularity of orkut , n gaining of FACEBOOK !!
Free BSNL GPRS now................................
Friday, April 24, 2009
Free Bsnl Gprs With Full Internet Access, U Can Surf For Free Via Gprs On Pc Too
Here is the way.
1.Create 2 connections with different names like "BSNL PORTAL" and "CELLONE PORTAL" with following settings.
Access Point Name-
Proxy Service Address-
Proxy Port-
rest fields to be as it is. open phone's default inbuilt browser and select any of the two settings created to access the will now access only bsnl's home site. keep browser working and open another browser for full internet access like opera or these browsers use the second setting created.make sure to use second setting this time.connect to open a get an error message like "ACCESS DENIED" but you dont worry.
4.keep both browsers working in background and open connection connection manager just disconnect the connection that is not working like the second one you used to connect opera or netfront.
5.again open opera or netfront from background and this time use the first connection that you are using to connect with default inbuilt browser to connect to internet.
6.sure this time you are connected with full access.
To change the location of your mailbox for Outlook
Friday, April 24, 2009
1. Open RegEdit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook (or Outlook Express if Outlook Express)
3. Go to the section "Store Root"
4. Make the change to file location
Make online scans here..........
Friday, April 24, 2009
scan ur comp for free to remove virus or spyware for free , download free softwares !
1. PCPitstop AntiVirus Online Scan:
2. Trend Micro's free online (Housecall) virus scanner:
3. Panda ActiveScan Online Virus Scan:
4. Symantec's Online Scan:
5. BitDefender Free Online Virus Scan:
Track Yahoo messenger id's...............
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ques 1. What is Yahoo Tracker?
Ans. Yahoo Tracker is a web based service that allows you to track online/offline status of your yahoo buddies.
Ques 2. Can i track those who are not in my messenger list?
Ans. Yes you can, your yahoo username and password are not required to use this service.
Some more features about this service--
1. The service tracks the online/offline activity of Yahoo messenger user in previous 24 hours.
We might increase the time period to 1 week in near future.
2. You can track 12 yahoo users with one account. Yes its all free..!!
3. Data will be updated after every 10 minutes automatically.
4. Yahoo messenger users will be considered as online even if they are invisible to any number of people (not everyone). Being "on sms" and "on mobile" will also be considered as online.
So, enjoy Yahoo Tracker ALPHA by simple registration::::
Hide any drive in your pc now..................
Friday, April 24, 2009
If u r having any material like important docs and u r afraid about it . Dont worry, windows XP
provides (not officialy ) a utility by which u can hide urs one or more drives.
Here is the step by step procedure how to hide any partition/drive :
1. Go to Start > run > type “diskpart”.
A DOS window will appear with following discription.
2. Then type “list volume”
The result will look like : ——
Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
————— — ——– —- —— —- —— —-
Volume 0 F CD-ROM
Volume 1 C Programmea NTFS Partition 15GB Healthy System
Volume 2 D Softwares NTFS Partition 20GB Healthy
Volume 3 E Documents NTFS Partition 30GB Healthy
Volume 4 F Abi NTFS Partition 10GB Healthy
3. Suppose u wanna hide drive E then type “select volume 3".(without quotes)
Then a message will appear in same winwods { Volume 3 is the selected volume}
4. Now type “remove letter E”
Now a message will come { Diskpart Removed the Drive letter }
Diskpart will remove the letter .Windows XP is not having capabilty to identify the unkown
Your Data is safe now from all unauthorised users.
To access the content of hidden Drive repeat the process mentioned above. But in 4th step replace
” remove” to “assign”
i mean type “assign letter E”
Never hide C:/ drive… otherwise ur system will not work
Listen Music 23 Free Online FM Music Radio
Friday, April 24, 2009
Listen Music 23 Free Online FM Music Radio
23 Online Live Radio channels, Fm Radio
, Songs, Latest Songs, Listen Music
No Download just listen online
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
INVISIBLE in gtalk ? sure !
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
NEW Gtalk
R u disburbed by ur friends who r constantly
boring u , with nonsense chats ?
but u do want to talk with other guy ,
if u have not opened any browser but want to be invisible in gtalk?
theres no option in gtalk of 'INVISIBLE'
BIT YES , google has launched new
You can download it @
tHE Main benefit is that you can go invisible in it
Currently, Google Talk, Labs Edition is only available for Windows PCs.
What is Google Talk, Labs Edition?
Google Talk, Labs Edition is an experimental release of the Google Talk client. It has many of the same great features as the Google Talk Gadget, including instant messaging, emoticons, and group chat. Google Talk, Labs Edition also comes with new desktop notifications from Calendar, Orkut, and Gmail.
How do I know I have the latest version of Google Talk, Labs Edition?
Google Talk, Labs Edition automatically updates itself to ensure you have the latest features and fixes available. However, it will wait until the next time Google Talk, Labs Edition starts to use a newer version if it is available. If you have not restarted Google Talk, Labs Edition in a long time, try exiting and starting it again - you may already have a newer version waiting for you!
Is Google Talk, Labs Edition available in any other languages?
Google Talk, Labs Edition is currently available in English only.
- File sharing is not available
- Calls cannot be made
for example last time you checked your inbox and there werer4 and then if 6 arrived then in ild gtalk you would get only 6 alerts , but now you will get all 10 !
10 on 10 for this
but it will surely create trouble for those who have hundreds of emails in inboxes
, lol
i donno where it was released , but as soon as i saw it , idownloaded it n soon poster it !!!
enjoy !
Friday, April 3, 2009
Gmail turnz 5
Friday, April 03, 2009
It was not surprising that each n every paper had an article bout the famous email service free provider turned 5 ! , WITH SOME RIVALS OF HOTMAIL N YAHOO
the gmail also called as Google Mail that was launched 5 years ago on april's fools day! i also switched on to gmail a year b4 , i was earlier on yahoo , but i love google , everything tatz on Google , every product !!
Orkut , adsense , gtalk , blogger all , now it seems google is in mood to buy TWITTER ,n may be succesful , i think so !
In official blog , they quoted
"Five years ago yesterday, Gmail starting giving people a gig. What started as an internal tool for Google employees is now used by tens of millions of people around the world in 52 languages.
We wanted to put it there yesterday, but given that Gmail launched on April Fool's day 2004 and has a history of joking around on April 1st since then, we did something else instead.
In all seriousness, we want to give a big thank you to all of you who use Gmail every day, to those who've been around since the beginning, to those who were using an AJAX app before the term AJAX was popular, to those who started chatting right in your email and then video chatting a couple years later, to those who changed your theme on day one, and to those who have turned on some of the 43 experimental Gmail Labs features (and put up with the occasional bugs they introduce)...we couldn't have gotten here without you. Thanks. "
MSN messenger depth
Friday, April 03, 2009
MSN Messenger Tricks - tips, tricks and secrets for MSN 7 and 7.5 + Windows Live Messenger
In this section of Messenger Tools you will find loads of MSN Messenger tricks and tips and secrets, so keep reading!
Secret and Hidden MSN Emoticons
MSN Messenger contains some secret and hidden emoticons! You can get all the info you need on these emoticons from our Secret & Hidden MSN Emoticons page!
Web Links in MSN Messenger 7.5
MSN Messenger 7.5 introduced some new functionality in form of links that can interact with MSN Messenger 7.5 from Internet Explorer. Read more about them Here and get some sample code to use from Here! Sending Unlimited Nudges
Update: This trick no longer works in MSN Messenger 7.5 or newer!
Nudges are a new feature in MSN Messenger 7 which are used to get your contact's attention, similar to Yahoo's 'buzz' feature, if not exactly the same! With this little trick you can send unlimited nudges to a contact, but keep in mind that contacts who have their status set to busy, will not see or hear the effect of an MSN Nudge, or they could have simply disabled the Nudge feature on their computer. Anyway, on to the trick...
To send unlimited Nudges in MSN Messenger in 3 easy steps:
1. Set your status to Busy in MSN Messenger
2. Open a conversation with the contact you wish to Nudge Bomb
3. Click the Nudge button repeatedly, as many times as you like!
And that all there is to it. This trick has last been tested and confirmed working on MSN Messenger 7.0.0813.
Stealing or Copying Custom Emoticons from Contacts
When one of your contacts uses a custom emoticon in a conversation with you, you can Copy or 'Steal' the emoticon in MSN Messenger 7! To do this, try the following when you see a contact use a custom emoticon:
1. Right Click on the emoticon so that a context menu appears (It should pop up)
2. Click on Add... or in some cases Get this Emoticon in the menu
3. You will now be prompted to enter information about the emoticon (such as its keyboard shortcut and name), enter this info and click OK to dismiss the dialog.
4. You can now use the newly added emoticon for yourself!
This trick has been verified working on MSN Messenger 7.0 build 0813, but there have been reports of the Add... option going missing for some users, the cause of this is not yet known.
New default emoticon in MSN Messenger 7
A new emoticon has been added to the default set of emoticons in MSN Messenger... a Goat!
The new Goat emoticon in MSN Messenger 7
The keyboard shortcut for using the new goat emoticon is (nah). Since this emoticon is new in MSN Messenger 7, users of MSN Messenger 6.2 will not be able to see it if you send it to them.
Zooming in and out in conversations in MSN 6 & 7
In MSN Messenger 6 and 7 you can zoom in and out of chat text in conversations (The text you write, the conversation text and also the Status text which appears in a yellow box below your contacts name and email address). To do this, follow these simple steps:
* Place your mouse over any of the above mentioned areas to zoom in and out, then hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard.
* Now move your mouse scroller forward and backwards to zoom in and out! Be sure to remember what the original size was in order to reset it if needed!
And thats all there is to it!
---source fm google n
Yahoo Messenger Cheat Sheet: Advanced IM Commands
Friday, April 03, 2009
Quick listing of Yahoo IM command codes.
/help calls up the help file
/cls clears the screen
/save saves the current chat session transcript
/leave exits current room
/join roomname joins roomname
/goto username joins the chat room that username is currently in
/follow username user will follows username whenever the user changes rooms
/think text posts text in this format “oO(text)”
/tell username text — allows you to send a text to username with opening a window
/invite username invites username to the current room
/webcam starts your webcam
/version displays the program version
/version username sends the program version to username
/time shows the time
/roll number rolls the number of dice
/logoff closes the client
/ignore add username will add username to your ignore list
/ignore remove username will remove username from your ignore list
:Text formats the text as an emotion
will format the text as the fontface and fontsize specified. Fontsize is in pixels.
colors the text in HEX format
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Google Talk Cheats
Thursday, April 02, 2009
I dont think 've missed out anything here , Its Full n Final
post your Comments and Share This Page
With Google Talk being all the craze right now, some people hating it, and others loving it, I figured that I would post a list of tips and tricks for those curious about the extra "features" Google implemented and has not said much about.
Registry Tweaks
You can edit most settings by opening regedit (start -> regedit),
and navigating to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk.
The "Google/Google Talk" key has several sub-keys that hold different option values:
Accounts: This one has subkeys for each different account that has logged in on the client. These keys have different values that store the username, password and connection options.
Autoupdate: Stores the current version information. When the client checks for updates it compares Google's response with these values. If an update is needed, it will download and update the new version.
Options: This is the most interesting part, where most of the current hacks should be used (keep reading).
Process: Stores the process ID. Probably used by Google Talk to detect if it's already running or not.
1.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\show_pin
If 1, shows a "pin" next to the minimize button that keeps the windows on top of all the other open windows when clicked.
2.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\view_show_taskbutton
If 0, hides the taskbar button, and leaves the tray icon only, when the window is shown
3.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\away_inactive
If 1, status will be set as Away after the specified number of minutes.
4.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\away_screensaver
If 1, status will be set as Away after the specified number of minutes.
5.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\inactive_minutes
Number of inactive minutes to become away if auto-away is on.
More Tips & Tricks
Change the font size - While holding the control key, move the scroll wheel on your mouse either up or down. This trick works while being focused in either the read or write area.
Insert line breaks - If you want to have a message that spans multiple paragraphs, just hold shift and hit enter. You can add as many new lines as you want to create.
Bold Text - To write something bold, you can use an asterisk before and after the word, like *this* .
Italic Text - To use italics, use an underscore before an after the word, like _this_ .
Switch windows - Hitting tab will cycle through open windows. It will select minimized conversations, to expand them just hit enter. If you just want to cycle through IM's and don't care about the buddy list, control-tab will do that and will automatically expand a minimized conversation if you settle on one.
Invitation Tips - You don’t need to say Yes or No when someone wants to add you as a friend; you can simply ignore it, the request will go away. (On the other hand, someone with whom you chat often will automatically turn to be your friend, unless you disable this in the options). ]
Show Hyperlinks - You can show your homepage or blog URL simply by entering the it in your away message (at the top of the main window). It will automatically turn to a link visible to others.
A message can be 32767 characters long.
Google Talk Cheats
Thursday, April 02, 2009
I dont think 've missed out anything here , Its Full n Final
post your Comments and Share This Page
With Google Talk being all the craze right now, some people hating it, and others loving it, I figured that I would post a list of tips and tricks for those curious about the extra "features" Google implemented and has not said much about.
Registry Tweaks
You can edit most settings by opening regedit (start -> regedit),
and navigating to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk.
The "Google/Google Talk" key has several sub-keys that hold different option values:
Accounts: This one has subkeys for each different account that has logged in on the client. These keys have different values that store the username, password and connection options.
Autoupdate: Stores the current version information. When the client checks for updates it compares Google's response with these values. If an update is needed, it will download and update the new version.
Options: This is the most interesting part, where most of the current hacks should be used (keep reading).
Process: Stores the process ID. Probably used by Google Talk to detect if it's already running or not.
1.) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\show_pin
If 1, shows a "pin" next to the minimize button that keeps the windows on top of all the other open windows when clicked.
2.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\view_show_taskbutton
If 0, hides the taskbar button, and leaves the tray icon only, when the window is shown
3.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\away_inactive
If 1, status will be set as Away after the specified number of minutes.
4.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\away_screensaver
If 1, status will be set as Away after the specified number of minutes.
5.)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\inactive_minutes
Number of inactive minutes to become away if auto-away is on.
More Tips & Tricks
Change the font size - While holding the control key, move the scroll wheel on your mouse either up or down. This trick works while being focused in either the read or write area.
Insert line breaks - If you want to have a message that spans multiple paragraphs, just hold shift and hit enter. You can add as many new lines as you want to create.
Bold Text - To write something bold, you can use an asterisk before and after the word, like *this* .
Italic Text - To use italics, use an underscore before an after the word, like _this_ .
Switch windows - Hitting tab will cycle through open windows. It will select minimized conversations, to expand them just hit enter. If you just want to cycle through IM's and don't care about the buddy list, control-tab will do that and will automatically expand a minimized conversation if you settle on one.
Invitation Tips - You don’t need to say Yes or No when someone wants to add you as a friend; you can simply ignore it, the request will go away. (On the other hand, someone with whom you chat often will automatically turn to be your friend, unless you disable this in the options). ]
Show Hyperlinks - You can show your homepage or blog URL simply by entering the it in your away message (at the top of the main window). It will automatically turn to a link visible to others.
A message can be 32767 characters long.
Watch Star Wars Movie on MS DOS Prompt - * Star Wars *is an American epic space opera franchise first film which lead to worldwide pop culture phenomenon .This film is made into book...
Blog Archive
- ADD social networking SEXY BUTTONS on ur blog !
- yahoo publisher in india ?????
- Google Talk Welcome to Google Talk Labs Edition
- GTLAK on ORKUT almost spoof like but kewl too
- Free BSNL GPRS now................................
- To change the location of your mailbox for Outlook
- Make online scans here..........
- Track Yahoo messenger id's...............
- Hide any drive in your pc now..................
- Listen Music 23 Free Online FM Music Radio
- INVISIBLE in gtalk ? sure !
- Gmail turnz 5
- MSN messenger depth
- Yahoo Messenger Cheat Sheet: Advanced IM Commands
- Google Talk Cheats
- Google Talk Cheats
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