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3LUXE - A community generated product research site.
AgentB - A common place to find out the best shopping deals on internet. - A global goods delivery platform enabling community members to assist each other with access to best items from across the world. - users add their favorite products to their list and share it with others.
CoWorkersAds - An online marketplace listing allowing site members to discover and sell items among coworkers community. - A user generated marketplace where users submit cool products. - A user generated magazine for shopping. - A social market place for buyers and sellers. - ProductWiki is a common place for users to share information about consumer products. - is Canada’s most popular shopping community which offers huge discounts to site users.
Sale Grab - SaleGrab is a social shopping site for best sales and discount deals.
Shoppero - Shoppero offers profit sharing to site users for writing product reviews.
Smashing Darling - A collaborative market place connecting buyers and sellers at one place.
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