with these sotes , you can download any ebook , but wait not all , you cant download any copyprotected ebook , and yes you hav to do it by sharing or by earning points , these sites are 90 % free and you can share intrests and register fast !!
Americabookshelf.com - One of the largest book exchange clubs across the US.
BooksConnect - A book sharing community site connecting readers, authors, publishers, librarians and booksellers.
BookCrossing.com - A community of users from over 130 countries who exchange books with each other at public places like cafes, parks etc.
Bookhopper.co.uk - Free community for UK residents to share used books with each other.
Bookins.com - Book sharing website that enables members to exchange used books with each other in real time.
BookMooch.com - An interesting concept where users can exchange books with others through points. Users gain points when they give books to others.
Booksalescout.com - Online community of users allowing them to sell books in the US.
Bookswim.com - Book borrowing service with free shipping for registered website.
ConnectViaBooks - A social networking site connecting book lovers and enabling them to discover other similar interests.
GoodReads - GoodReads is a book reader’s community enabling members to review, share books they have been reading.
PaperBackSwap.com - Users can share books amongst each other and only pay for the delivery charges.
Pazap.com - A book trade engine for students to buy and sell old books.
Read It Swap It - A free service that allows users to exchange books with others.
Revish - Revish is another community for book lovers, letting them review their favorite books, group up, or simply tell the world what they’re currently reading.
Shelfari - Shelfari is a popular social networking service for book lovers.
Socialbib - Book swapping network between students.
Watch Star Wars Movie on MS DOS Prompt
* Star Wars *is an American epic space opera franchise first
film which lead to worldwide pop culture phenomenon .This film is made into